This three-stage, wide working
field cultivator is an ideal implement
for seed bed preparaton.
Levelling bar crushes colds and
smoothly evens the field, long-reaching
trailed harrow shakes out stones, and
special rotocrat aerates and loosens the upper
soil layer to provide optimom seed germination
conditions. The field cultivator follows land
contours without overloading tractor or tines. Lts
broad pass undercuts and uproots weeds,
thuns out winter crops, crumbles
crusted soil,mulches stubble,
and prepares a smooth, well-stirred
seed bed. The specially shaped tines pull weed
roots to the surface, while the strong, fixible vibrating
tines shake dirt free from roots.
Easily adjustable spring on the hinged upright
automatically stabilizes depth cultivation, safe and
effective germination is assured through this versatile,
hard-working, energy-saving implement.
Hydraulic lift of side extensions permits easy
transportion of wide units.